Friday, August 22, 2008

Thanks, Ebates: I Got My Big Fat Check

I made $37.19 just for being me. (An internet-obsessed-shopaholic.)

Look at that beautiful check I got just for 3 months of online shopping. I just click through Ebates
before I buy anything online, and they give me a percentage of my purchase back. Some sites I got my cash back from:

Sephora - 4%
Best Buy - 1%
Coldwater Creek - 2%
iTunes - 3%
Netflix - $18
1-800-Flowers - 6% - 6%
Target - 4%

This would be a easy way to have a few extra bucks sent back to you at your office/company too. When you are ordering through Office Max,, Amazon, VistaPrint, etc., all you need to do is click through Ebates to make a purchase, and log in with a universal email+password each time. You could put the money towards a fun budget!

Now please excuse me, I have to go shopping with my Big Fat Check ....

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